American Ninja Warrior Gym – Orange County

If you are a fan of the popular show American Ninja Warrior, then you no doubt have wondered if you could complete the course. Now with the opening of a handful of licensed American Ninja Warrior Adventure Parks you can try out a few of the features.

We went to the Adventure Park in Orange County California, to see how our skills stacked up. This is a review of the experience.

Ninja Warrior Adventure Parks Obstacles

The Ninja Warrior adventure park is located in a shopping mall, and does not fully compare to the course on the show. It is designed mostly as a place for birthday parties or short active afternoons out of the sun. The park itself is made up of two major sections, a bounce house area and the Ninja Course.

The bounce house area is way more than a normal bounce house, it is the equivalent to 15-20 bouncy areas seen together and has a full race track course around the perimeter as well as climb and slide features in the interior. This is the safer and more accessible option for most park goers.

The other area is the actual ninja obstacles. There are four independent lanes that each has its own version of the show features. Lanes seem to be progressively more difficult with the easiest one having balance features that don’t spin or move and the hardest ones more closely matching the show version of obstacles though on a smaller scale.

At the end of each of the lanes is a warp wall. One of the walls is smaller, around 7 feet high, and is available to climb on top of. The other sections include a 12 and 14 foot warp wall that is truly overhanging. The tall walls are only half the obstacle since you can not climb on top of them, but if you are able to grab the lip it replicates the same experience as is made popular in the Ninja Warrior Show.

The obstacles are likely to change from time to time, they take a lot of wear and tear due to the constant use. When we were there the ones that were setup included:

  • Warped Wall (12 and 14 foot)
  • Warped Wall Kids (7 feet)
  • Spider Jump
  • Log Grip (spinning version and non spinning version)
  • Quintuple steps (in multiple sizes with varying distances between each.
  • Flying Bars
  • Hanging Wall (Mini horizontal climbing walls)
  • Swinging Ropes
  • Rolling Log

The are a few common obstacles that many will want to see but sadly are not at the warrior adventure park. These include the salmon ladder, which takes a ton of strength and is likely out of the realm of safety to include at a public park with way more release forms. The rope climb and anything high up also is missing from the park. This is a practical subtraction since the ceilings in the park are not nearly high enough to do any of the event.

Can Adults do the American Ninja Warrior Adventure Park?

Yes, adults can do the obstacles and the bounce house. At a kids party you will need to be aware of over taking children, but the experience is still fun.

Doing the courses can be a serious workout for adults too as some of the swinging and jumping replicates a total HIIT workout class. Adults and kids are encouraged to do a proper warmup and to stretch before getting on the course. Do not be fooled by the fun nature of the Ninja course, it is easy to overdo it especially on obstacles you have never tried.

Does American Ninja Warrior Adventure Park Have Water?

if you are looking at getting wet, you’ll need to look somewhere else. There is no water under the obstacles at American ninja warrior adventure park. This is practical idea since getting hands wet makes it terribly difficult to do many of the obstacles.

Is Ninja Warrior Adventure Park Good For Birthday Parties?

The short answer to this is, Yes, the Ninja Warrior Park is great for kids birthday parties. The entire space is setup for exactly that type of event. If you schedule the party correctly it will be in the hour before the park typically opens and you can get the space dedicatd to just your party guests.

american ninja warrior park birthday party area
Birthday Area at American Ninja Warrior Adventure Park – Orange County

Most events include a one hour of open play ninja session, followed by an hour of dedicated eating in one of the sectioned off party spaces. For kids 4-6 this is plenty of time to work off some energy but not so much that everyone will get hurt. It’s worth saying that the Ninja park is a serious event and some small bumps and bruises are likely to happen if you have 15-20 kids running around for an hour. Even so the staff was great about keeping things light and fun.