Track Cycling – Sample Session at Olympic Venue Velodrome in Los Angeles

LA Olympics Site Velodrome

As a amateur adult athlete I have tried a number of events over the years including short and long distance triathlons, road running races, ultramarathon trail races, and even obstacle races. Still, one style of racing that always looked amazing was track cycling. Track cycling is an olympic sport but otherwise is not super popular … Read more

This Is How Long The Zwift Everest Challenge Took Me! Earning The “Tron Bike”

completing the everest challenge in zwift

For many virtual world cyclists there are enticing virtual gear and equipment to earn along the way, with one of the most popular items being the Zwift Concept bike. This recognizable part of the Zwift world is otherwise known as the ‘Tron’ bike, due to the light up wheels resemblance to the popular science fiction … Read more

What is A Good (Zwift) FTP?

zwift ftp test screen

Zwift is not the only place where your FTP will be highlighted and used to rate your performance. For many cyclists who are actively training the idea of knowing, and improving, your Functional Threshold Power (FTP) is critical. Zwift uses estimates of FTP in order to rank riders and place them into categories of riders … Read more

Watch Streaming While Riding Zwift

zwift running picture in picture

Even though Zwift, the popular cycling and running training game, is more interactive than an average trainer or treadmill it can still get boring. For this reason many cyclists and runners will wonder if they can still watch TV or Streaming services while using Zwift. The answer of course is Yes, you can watch everything … Read more