A Runners Favorite Gadget – Deep Tissue Massage vs Foam Roller

Deep tissue Massage gun with battery pack

As a distance running fan and avid cyclist, having sore legs is nothing new. Even though every trainer, coach, and running book says that foam rolling helps, it is difficult to make it part of a daily habit. At best it is a painful 10 minutes with limited immediate relief and questionable long term benefits. … Read more

Intervals.Icu Review

intervals icu strava review

If you are the type of person who takes training seriously, then the out of the box activity trackers may not be enough for you. Especially if you are training across multiple sports. Or you are looking to maintain weekly totals of more than 5 hours, and hundreds of miles, then having aggregated details is … Read more

Finis Smart Swimming Goggles Review – Heads up Display Swim Goggles

finis ciye swim set tracking

As a triathlete, and former swimmer, getting into the pool is a both exciting and daunting. The idea of repeating intense swim sets and silently counting off strokes and laps brings with it a monotony that can be soothing or punishing. With the advent of tracking and training tools the reward for getting in the … Read more

Our Interval Timer App Recommendation – A Seconds Interval Timer Review

seconds interval timer app screen

When training for a triathlon most plans have a few strength workouts per week. While there are a variety of setups for these workouts, we’ve always found some combination of exercises to personally fit best. To personalize these it’s possible to just remember each or write down a short list, but using a good app … Read more

STAmina Apnea App Review for Breath Training

Apnea breath training personal best

Should I Train To Hold My Breath for Running, Biking, Swimming, or Triathlons? According to most sources the average person can hold their breath anywhere from 30 to 90 seconds. This is a pretty narrow range considering the world record for holding your breath is over 24 minutes. The narrow range is likely because this … Read more